NDIS Plan Review
Find out everything to do with your NDIS Plan Review here.
What is a NDIS Plan Review?
A NDIS Plan Review takes place to review your funded supports and evaluate how they work for participants in achieving their goals. Your NDIS Plan Review can occur up to three months prior to your review date, conducted by a LAC (Local Area Coordinator). After your Plan Review occurs, a new plan is then developed that includes the necessary support to meet your goals.
How often will I have a NDIS Plan Review?
The frequency that your NDIS Plan Review will take place is dependent on individual circumstances. The majority of NDIS plans are reviewed every 12 months, but depending on the disability, this can vary. There are two key types of Plan Reviews:
Scheduled Reviews: a pre-scheduled Plan Review that takes place close to your NDIS plan date.
Unscheduled Reviews: this can either be a Change of Circumstance Review, or requesting an Early Review.
How can I prepare for a NDIS Plan Review?
There are a few tips and tricks that Focus Care has collated, which can help you adequately prepare for your NDIS Plan Review.
Prepare supporting evidence. How can you back up your needs?
Re-evaluate your NDIS goals. Have they changed since first completing your NDIS Plan?
Reflect on your funding. Do you feel like certain areas need more funding?
Update your personal details. Has your address, phone number, or email changed?
Think of a Support Person. A trusted friend, family member, or advocate?