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3 New Technologies To Assist People With Cerebral Palsy

8 March, 2024

For many people living with cerebral palsy, particular everyday activities such as getting around and communicating can pose significant challenges. However, the ever-evolving landscape of medical technology has recently offered some ground-breaking advancements that have the potential to make like easier for those with cerebral palsy.

This blog will explore 3 new technologies, ranging from assistive devices that enhance mobility and communication to revolutionary therapeutic approaches, that offer new possibilities for individuals with cerebral palsy.

Our hope is that we can draw attention to these exciting new advances in the hope that they can continue to improve and ultimately assist those with cerebral palsy to navigate their world with greater ease and confidence.

young man with Cerebral Palsy using technology to assist with challenges, alongside carer.


Voiceitt is an innovative speech recognition technology designed to empower individuals with cerebral palsy and other speech impairments to communicate more effectively. This app uses AI algorithms to learn and adapt to the unique speech patterns of its users, translating otherwise unintelligible pronunciations into clear speech in real time.

By providing a means for more autonomous communication, Voiceitt opens up possibilities for social interaction, independence, and participation in community life for those who would otherwise face significant challenges being understood. Its user-friendly interface and compatibility with various smart devices make it an accessible tool for enhancing the daily lives of people with speech issues.

Wheelmap mapWhile not particularly new, the Wheelmap app has emerged as a great tool for individuals with cerebral palsy and other mobility challenges, aiming to enhance their accessibility and independence in navigating urban environments. This mobile app provides detailed information about the accessibility of public spaces, businesses, and facilities, enabling users to properly plan their outings with confidence.

By leveraging user-contributed reviews and data, Wheelmap helps identify wheelchair-friendly restaurants, shops, and other venues, reducing the uncertainty and frustration that can accompany traveling to new places.


Stasism websiteDeveloped by fully qualified health professionals, Stasism transforms physical therapy into an engaging and fun game with its holistic platform. By integrating video games, fun sound effects, virtual worlds, real-time virtual personal trainers, assessments, and exercises, it turns essential physical therapy routines into enjoyable activities, all from the comfort of your home. With Stasism the focus shifts from the routine of physical therapy and developing fine motor skills, to the enjoyment of games. The platform is designed so you forget you're even undergoing therapy and simply concentrate on having fun.

Other fun games designed for those with disabilities including cerebral palsy, include crazy copy games, where four memory games presented with colourful graphics and piano sound, provide a fun alternative to traditional memory games.

New Technology for Gait Training

Zero G - for those with less fine motor skills

girl with Cerebral Palsy using Zero G to train fine motor skillsZero G is a cutting-edge mobility aid designed to offer individuals with cerebral palsy and other mobility impairments the opportunity to experience movement in ways previously unattainable.

This innovative system uses a unique harness and track setup that effectively reduces a person's body weight, allowing them to walk, run, or even jump with minimal assistance. By using muscle movement and removing the gravitational pull on the body, Zero G provides a safe environment for gait training, physical therapy, and recreational activities, promoting strength building, balance, and coordination. This system can help individuals develop fine motor skills and gain confidence.

This technology not only enhances physical rehabilitation efforts but also boosts the psychological well-being and confidence of its users, by giving them a newfound sense of freedom and independence in their mobility. A paediatric rehabilitation program Stride Zero G is being offered for young people with cerebral palsy in Perth.

New Eye-Gaze Technology

Eye-Gaze Edge

eye gaze edge screenIt is the world’s most advanced eye-driven communication device. While this technology has been around for some time now, research is still ongoing regarding the most effective way to use it and for whom it is of most benefit.

A recent study by the Cerebral Palsy Alliance has led to some important clinical guidelines surrounding its use and have further developed the way we understand cerebral palsy.

Find out more through My CP Guide or the Cerebral Palsy Alliance

Both My CP Guide and the Cerebral Palsy Alliance have great resources to read if you'd like to find out more about cerebral palsy and the support available.

If you're interested in other free apps, the MyCPA App from the cerebral Palsy Alliance is also a useful place to go for information about cerebral palsy.

In addition, My CP Guide also has a great new resource to help people with cerebral palsy write their NDIS goals.

How Focus Care Can Help

Focus Care is a registered NDIS service provider, that offers support tailored to your needs, including services for people with cerebral palsy. If you would like to know more, or are after a service provider that will support you in your independent living goals, offers Support Coordination, valuable creative therapies fun games, and more, please contact us.

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